Business tour to Latin America March 20-24, 2023 Buenos Aires, Argentina
A business tour of Russian to Latin America to explore promising markets, new clients, partners, and future business opportunities.
📌 A week of meetings, networking, and business partnerships with leading companies in Latin America in the e-commerce, digital marketing, and advertising industries.
Group 15-25 people - owners and managers of Russian businesses interested in South American advertisers and/or considering entering the LatAm markets.
Business program Four working days in Buenos Aires, the digital capital of Latin America and the key center of marketing creativity for the entire "hispanidad" - the Spanish-speaking world with more than 550 million consumers.
Plus a short one-day trip to Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, to "feel the difference" and understand the nuances and differences of different Latin American markets. In short, it is a very dense week with two to three meetings per day with companies and agencies interested in partnering with Russian marketing business. Setting meetings, sharing sessions, and additional presentations will take place at the Argentine headquarters of ADCONSULT.
Meetings with Latin American agencies that are the "holders of relationships" and "holders of budgets" of local manufacturers and brands interested in entering the Russian market. Meetings with the marketing and digital industry, associations, and communities that will allow you to assess the prospects of entering your business on the continent. Meetings with colleagues-compatriots who have already relocated or are currently expanding their businesses in Latin American markets to get their firsthand experience.
How are the meetings conducted?
Usually, each meeting lasts about two hours.
During the meeting, we give a brief but comprehensive presentation of ourselves and our capabilities, conducting a sort of sales pitch for the participating agencies.
We then engage in a conversation about our counterparts' clients and their interest in the Russian market, their main challenges, and priorities.
During the conversation, we identify the sequence of next steps with our partner, discussing their interests, understanding of what they need, and how we will work together in the future.
After the meeting, we send our partner additional information on each agency and recommendations, on behalf of all meeting participants, which they can use to initiate interest in the Russian market with their clients.
In addition, during the tour's preparation stage, we thoroughly prepare our partners for the meeting. We communicate with them in person, brief them on questions, go over important topics, and discuss workshop formats.
The quality of communication at the meetings is incredibly high in terms of openness, involvement, and immersion of our partners. This is because they know in advance that we are their absolute colleagues in the field, that we have come for an honest conversation "straight from the shoulder", that we are not interested in standard client pitches, and what matters is to feel the fabric of their work.
After the meetings, we thoroughly debrief each partner in a small group of colleagues. During the sharing sessions, we share insights from our conversations, assess the applicability of different tactics, discuss our doubts and findings with each other.
Why is this necessary?
The goal of the business week is to expand contacts and connections among the Argentine (in particular) and Latin American (in general) advertising and marketing businesses.
If you need clients...
...these connections with agencies and marketing businesses are critically important, as it is marketing and consulting agencies that are the "key" to national brands, manufacturers, exporters, and advertisers in Latin America.
When searching for potential partners in external markets (such as Russia), foreign companies and corporations turn first to their own trusted consultants - marketers and advertisers from local and global agencies.
If you want to enter the markets of Latin America... gain access to 650 million consumers in the region or hundreds of thousands of companies in the B2B segment with your products and services, you need to have strong connections with the marketing/digital/e-commerce/advertising community.
It is through them that you can best "test the waters" and find potential partners and resellers.
Our personal experience in working in international markets proves that everything starts with getting to know specific people with "thick notebooks", deeply rooted in the market and with numerous connections on it.